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Jaxxand Athena 12 23 21
I lost my precious Shadow on 12-12-21. I was heartbroken and wasn't going to get another dog until spring. My daughter had me looking thru adoption dogs and I came across Jaxx and Athena. I fell in love! I picked them both up on 12-23-21. I had 22 people at my home all at once for Christmas Eve. I have 6 adult children and 10 grandchildren. They all fell in love with them. I have had these 2 dogs for 2 days now and they are awesome! I can trust them outside with me off leash. They come when called and they are full of love! I am so happy I adopted this pair. They are happy and so am I. They had an awesome Christmas! They were my best Christmas gift ever! Thank you for allowing me to adopt these precious fur babies! Thank you Logan for sponsoring them!